
iPad E-mail malware attack

April 28, 2010

iPad E-mail malware attack
April 28, 2010

Scammers are distributing emails designed to trick iPad owners into downloading software that they think is […]

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How Social Networks Are Using Your Data

March 3, 2010

How Social Networks Are Using Your Data
March 3, 2010

Companies collect all sorts of data to build a database of you from social networking sites […]

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Netgear routers and OpenDNS to block porn and violence from the internet

July 29, 2009

Netgear routers and OpenDNS to block porn and violence from the internet
July 29, 2009

Netgear is about to ship routers designed to simplify the process of blocking certain types of websites such as pornography, hate sites, or sites that promote alcohol or drug use, by allowing […]

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10 ways hackers can breach your system and how you can fight back

July 29, 2009

10 ways hackers can breach your system and how you can fight back
July 29, 2009

You may have all of your software patched, and you may have anti-virus software protecting your […]

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