
iPhone 4G On Sale Now In UK, USA, France, Germany and Japan

June 24, 2010

iPhone 4G On Sale Now In UK, USA, France, Germany and Japan
June 24, 2010

Yes the new Apple iPhone 4G is on sale now but probably sold out already! Yesterday, […]

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World’s First Dual Touch Screen Laptop, The Toshiba Libretto W100

June 22, 2010

World’s First Dual Touch Screen Laptop, The Toshiba Libretto W100
June 22, 2010

Yesterday, Toshiba announced the world’s first dual touch screen laptop called the Libretto W100. According to […]

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YouTube Video Editor – New Video Trimmer

June 17, 2010

YouTube Video Editor – New Video Trimmer
June 17, 2010

So I signed in to my YouTube account today to find that a new YouTube Video Editor has been rolled out today. The video trimming tool can be used to join separate […]

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Microsoft Unveils Voice And Movement-Activated Xbox Kinect Games

June 14, 2010

Microsoft Unveils Voice And Movement-Activated Xbox Kinect Games
June 14, 2010

Microsoft unveiled its new Xbox 360 motion controller which is a completely hands-free games console with […]

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Facebook Applications Spreading Adware

April 27, 2010

Facebook Applications Spreading Adware
Facebook Applications Spreading Adware
April 27, 2010


A new scheme allows cyber-criminals to monetize on unwary users by leading them into installing adware […]

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iPad: Apple reveals multi-touch tablet device

January 27, 2010

iPad: Apple reveals multi-touch tablet device
January 27, 2010

Apple iPad Tablet
We first told you about the Apple Tablet in July 2009 and the rumors are now over! Calling it “way better than a laptop and way better than a phone,” […]

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Mozilla Firefox 3.6 official release

January 21, 2010

Mozilla Firefox 3.6 official release
January 21, 2010

*Update* A new release of Firefox is available from the Mozilla Website Here.
Some of the best […]

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Awesome 3D Interactive Video, Just Click And Drag To Have A Look Around

August 3, 2009

Awesome 3D Interactive Video, Just Click And Drag To Have A Look Around
August 3, 2009

I cant wait for these kind of videos becoming mainstream! The people at Yellowbirds could not […]

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