
Live Tube Map Showing Trains Moving On The London Underground Network

June 21, 2010

Live London Underground Train Map
Live Tube Map Showing Trains Moving On The London Underground Network
June 21, 2010

This map shows all trains on the London Underground network as they move, in approximately real […]

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How Social Networks Are Using Your Data

March 3, 2010

How Social Networks Are Using Your Data
March 3, 2010

Companies collect all sorts of data to build a database of you from social networking sites […]

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SpyPhone App Steals Personal Data from ALL iPhones – Jailbroken or Not!

December 6, 2009

SpyPhone App Steals Personal Data from ALL iPhones – Jailbroken or Not!
December 6, 2009

A Swiss iPhone developer has unveiled a new application that is capable of harvesting huge amounts of personal data from iPhones, including geolocation data, passwords, address book entries and email […]

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Google wants to speed up the web by ditching HTTP for SPDY

November 14, 2009

Google wants to speed up the web by ditching HTTP for SPDY
November 14, 2009

On the Chromium blog, Mike Belshe and Roberto Peon write about an early-stage research project […]

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Microsoft Data Recovery For Sidekick T-mobile Users

October 15, 2009

Microsoft Data Recovery For Sidekick T-mobile Users
October 15, 2009

Story so far: Users of T-Mobile’s Sidekick have been suffering through a major outage over the […]

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Microsoft Launches Blog In The Cloud

September 18, 2009

Microsoft Launches Blog In The Cloud
September 18, 2009

If you are interested in new technology as I am, then you might want to keep an eye on the new Blog that Microsoft launched in ‘the cloud’. The Dynamic […]

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Facebook Applications Are Evil?

July 19, 2009

Facebook Applications Are Evil?
July 19, 2009

All users give unknown people the access and permission to use all the information and files […]

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