The scam message reads as follows:
Redeem your official T-Shirt as a gift from our Team.
Facebook: 7th Birthday Celebration. get your Free T-Shirts
ordered from us. Share it with your friends! 🙂
There is also a different message but the same scam that reads as follows:
WOW, got a super free sexy T-shirt from facebook Team…Grab ur’s from here…fb team is giving FREE t-shirts on its 7th bday 😀 :-****** 😀 ? 😀
Why you should Avoid it:
If you click on the link in this fake Facebook Wall Post, you will be taken to the page below where you are forced to “Like” and “Share” the page in order to continue to your free T-shirt gift:
If you then follow where it shows to “Click Here” you will be presented with another page like the one below:
DO NOT FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS IN THE SCREENSHOT ABOVE! The Scam artist is about to steal your Secret Facebook Mobile Email Address!! Every facebook user has this secret email address but a lot of people dont even know that it exists…
It is a personalized email address acting like a backdoor key to your account and can be used to post status updates or to upload photos and videos straight to your profile by sending yourself an Email!
If you or your friends have fallen victim to this scam, you must Refresh/Change your Secret Facebook Mobile Email Address. This is simple but a bit tricky, so follow these steps carefully:
Detailed Instructions to remove Fake Scam Links – HERE
Detailed Instructions to remove Fake Applications – HERE