Watch out! A successful fake Facebook Application scam is catching quite a lot of people by preying on our instincts of curiosity and paranoia. Profile Peekers claims to show you who is stalking you and how many times your Facebook Profile has been viewed! Now, I would be interested in that too just like you and every other Facebooker, but sadly it just isn’t possible at the moment…maybe later. Every single application making such claims is a scam about phishing your personal information, fake surveys and spreading malware. Absolutely none of them has ever worked, but more and more people keep on trying them out. Next thing they know, the fake App is posting adverts to all friends promoting itself and making it look as if you recommend it!
Please don’t fall for one of these scams. If you’re a victim, immediately delete the App’s post on your wall & remove it using simple steps in the links below:
Facebook does not provide the ability to track who is viewing your profile, or parts of your profile, such as your photos. Applications by outside developers cannot provide this functionality, either. Applications that claim to give you this ability will be removed from Facebook for violating policy. You can report applications that provide untrustworthy experiences by clicking the “Report Application” at the bottom of the application’s About page, or by clicking “Report” at the bottom of any canvas page within the application.
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