
World’s First Dual Touch Screen Laptop, The Toshiba Libretto W100

June 22, 2010

World’s First Dual Touch Screen Laptop, The Toshiba Libretto W100
June 22, 2010

Yesterday, Toshiba announced the world’s first dual touch screen laptop called the Libretto W100. According to […]

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Price Drop for Students buying Windows 7 Home and Professional

September 18, 2009

Price Drop for Students buying Windows 7 Home and Professional
September 18, 2009

Okay, so I have had more important priorities than blogging, but I rushed home today to […]

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Netgear routers and OpenDNS to block porn and violence from the internet

July 29, 2009

Netgear routers and OpenDNS to block porn and violence from the internet
July 29, 2009

Netgear is about to ship routers designed to simplify the process of blocking certain types of websites such as pornography, hate sites, or sites that promote alcohol or drug use, by allowing […]

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