
Google China To Shut Down Or To Stop Censoring Google.cn After Gmail Hacking Attacks

January 13, 2010

Google China To Shut Down Or To Stop Censoring Google.cn After Gmail Hacking Attacks
January 13, 2010

Google China
“We have decided we are no longer willing to continue censoring our results on Google.cn, […]

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What is the next BIG thing for Microsoft?

August 5, 2009

What is the next BIG thing for Microsoft?
August 5, 2009

At Microsoft’s Financial Analyst Meeting (FAM) last week, company officials shared a few tidbits about Microsoft […]

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Yahoo Got Binged By Microsoft

July 30, 2009

Yahoo Got Binged By Microsoft
July 30, 2009

Yesterday I was wondering who got the better deal and according to Techcrunch, you need only look at the stock movements of Yahoo and Microsoft. Yahoo dipped 12.08% to $15.14, knocking $2.91 […]

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Microsoft + Yahoo Reach Deal On Search.

July 29, 2009

Microsoft + Yahoo Reach Deal On Search.
July 29, 2009

Who got a better deal? I think its 50/50 because Yahoo does not get cash and […]

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