[iphone 3gs]

Apple iPhone 4 Antenna Signal Issue To Get Software Update For A Maths Mistake That Existed Since iPhone 3GS and 3G

July 5, 2010

Apple iPhone 4 Antenna Signal Issue To Get Software Update For A Maths Mistake That Existed Since iPhone 3GS and 3G
July 5, 2010

iPhone 4 users feeling the bite!
As we reported during the launch of the Apple iPhone 4, […]

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Connecting your iPhone and Bluetooth keyboard? There’s a (jailbroken) app for that

December 31, 2009

Connecting your iPhone and Bluetooth keyboard? There’s a (jailbroken) app for that
December 31, 2009

Thanks to a small hack it is now possible to connect an iPhone or iPod touch […]

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