Facebook Security App For Protection Against Malware And Spam Comments

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POSTED BY Patrick ON April 5, 2011 / 0 COMMENTS

Websense Defensio Protects Facebook Pages From Malicious Content.

Facebook scanner, Facebook security, Facebook AntiSpam,Facebook AntiVirus, Facebook AntiMalware, Social Networking Security, Triton, Websense, Defensio

Websense® Defensio™ is a free social networking application that secures your Facebook Page against threats that target Social Networking sites. A must-have facebook security application due to the rapid increase in social media threats, such as links to malware downloads and phishing sites that can be posted on your Facebook Pages to trick you.

Defensio is also providing a new free online “Scan my Facebook page!” button. Simply go to www.websense.com/facebook and click the “Scan my Facebook page!” button. Defensio will then analyze your Facebook page and provide information on the volume of malicious content, spam, or inappropriate language that resides on the page.

Defensio helps you manage objectionable content using filters for swear words, profanity and adult content, to remove and avoid Wall Posts that you consider unsuitable. It is remarkably accurate and effective, and because it is a service, there is no software for you to download, install, or manage!

The Facebook Security App provides Real-Time Monitoring of your Facebook Account and is fully customizable with options to delete threats immediately or hold them in a Que while alerting you to moderate them via Email.

Websense Defensio

You must have a Facebook Fan or Business Page to use the Facebook Security App, therefore if you only have a normal Facebook Personal Account, you will need to create a Facebook Page first to be able to use the Facebook Security App by Defensio. It’s easy to do and its totally up to you whether or not to use the newly creared Page!

Defensio includes the following features:

  • URL Category Blocking — Manage comments with embedded URL links that point to sites infected with security risks and control potentially questionable content.
  • Reputation Security Coverage — Prevent comments from untrustworthy domains and sites.
  • Dictionary Filtering — Remove specific words automatically that you choose to be omitted from comments.
  • Script and Executable File Blocker — Block posts which include potentially harmful scripts and executables.
  • Facebook Security Application — Protect your Facebook pages with real-time monitoring and removal of all unwanted content.

If you are interested CLICK HERE to get the Defensio Web Service today.

App Removal Instructions Here: http://thepctool.com/2011/how-to-remove-fake-facebook-applications/

CLICK HERE to join our Facebook Page and be informed about future security Apps.

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